Diverse :
AFK - Away from the keyboard ( Plecat de la PC )
DND - Do not disturb ( Nu deranjati )
WTB - Want to buy ( Cumpar )
WTS - Want to sell ( Vand )
WTT - Want to trade ( Dau la schimb )
LF - Looking for ( Caut )
LFG - Looking for group ( Caut un grup )
LF1M - Looking for one member ( Caut inca un player )
AP - Attack Power
ArP - Armor penetration
SP - Spell Power
Spen - Spell Penetration
DPS - Damage per second
HoT - Heal over time
DoT - Damage over time
Loot :
FFA - Free for all
ML - Master looter
NBG - Need before greed
Profesii :
JC - Jewelcrafting
LW - Leatherworking
Herb - Herbalism
BS - Blacksmithing
ENG - Engineer
TL - Tailoring
ENCH - Enchanting
ALCH - Alchemy
Skill-uri :
BOM - Blessing of Might
BOK - Blessing of Kings
BOW - Blessing of Widsom
GBOK - Greater Blessing of Kings
MotW - Mark Of The Wild
BS - Battle shout
CS - Commanding shout
PoF - Prayer of Fortitude
PWS - Power Word : Shield
BL - Bloodlust
HC - Heroic Chain
VH - Violet Hold
COS - Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme
AN - Azjol-Nerub
AK - Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
GD/GUN - Gundrak
TOC - Trial of the Champion
FOS - The Forge of Souls
DTK - Drak'Tharon Keep
UK - Utgarde Keep
UP - Utgarde Pinnacle
HOS - Halls of Stone
HOL - Halls of Lightning
POS - Pit of Saron
HOR - Halls of Reflection
ICC 10 man - Icecrown Citadel 10 Man Raid
ICC 25 man - Icecrown Citadel 25 Man Raid
OS - The Obsidian Sanctum
NAXX - Naxxramas
VOA - Vault of Archavon
TOC / TOGC - Trial of the Crusader
ICC - Icecrown Citadel
Ony / OL - Onyxia's Lair
RS - The Ruby Sanctum
Capitale :
OG - Orgrimmar
UC - Undercity
SM - Silvermoon City
TB - Thunder Bluff
SW - Stormwind City
IF - Ironforge
EX - The Exodar
DN - Darnassus
BattleGrounds - BG:
WSG - Warsong Gulch
EOTS - Eye of the Storm
AB - Arathi Basin
AV - Alterac Valley
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